Welcome, I am

Welcome, I am

"If you see Someone Without a Smile Give Him One of Yours..."

Tácito Cury

In Search of a Dream!

With great effort he acquired his first university degree in International Business in New York. This was also the period in which he founded three schools in the Greater New York area. These schools were the start of a successful global company, operating in more than 60 countries.

But still dissatisfied and wanting to learn more, he continued his higher education which led him to an educational tour receiving a master’s degree in international relations and diplomacy in France and Spain; a master’s degree in business administration in Germany;  and a Post-Graduate degree of international resource development in the UK.  Recently, he completed a specialization in Digital Marketing again in Paris.


Knowing that education would be the key to success, Tacito Cury worked tirelessly to complete his studies. Already in his adolescence, he moved to New York City in search of the American dream and its promise of wealth.

His studies were funded by his work in his own companies and by scholarships he received due to his excellent academic performance in the different higher-education institutions. 


He is a successful entrepreneur, as he serves as the Chairman of privately held companies in education, media production, business services spread worldwide.

Cury started his professional career by developing three schools in the Greater New York area.  These schools were the beginning of a successful global company – iTTi, operating in many countries worldwide.   He is also one of the creators of EduK International.  Experience taught him that happiness and success are not a matter of how much a person has got; it depends on what he does with the available resources in his life.


He is a successful entrepreneur, as he serves as the Chairman of privately held companies in education, media production, business services spread worldwide. Cury started his professional career by developing three schools in the Greater New York area.  These schools were the beginning of a successful global company – iTTi, operating in many countries worldwide.   He is also one of the creators of EduK International.  Experience taught him that happiness and success are not a matter of how much a person has got; it depends on what he does with the available resources in his life.

Keynote Speaker

With his immaculate reputation as a talented entrepreneur, he became the featured speaker at several events across the globe.

How to make your daily language a priceless comodity


tacito - cury,

Reinventing yourself in times of crisis





Conheça a história inspiradora do
"Maior Sobrevivente do Mundo"